Thank you to everyone who came to the grounds working party on 1st March; it was a great turnout of excellent volunteers!

We cleared a huge bramble from the berths by Slipway 1, uncovering a few good-sized tree trunks that will need grinding out by our tree surgeon. We also recovered an abandoned boat out from the hedge where it had been engulfed by more brambles. It was tough and muddy, but with great team work we recovered a good few berths ready for the new season.
Special thanks to Ian for the expert use of his tow bar. There is now a pile of brambles at the top of the cat park, which will be moved to the bonfire area as soon as the ground allows; it was too muddy to get there.

After a lunch of baguettes, crisps, chocolate and a delicious Victoria sponge (thanks Kevin!), we then took to the main boat park to move dead, abandoned, unidentified or unpaid boats up to the grass on the left as you approach the cat park.
Members, please, if you find that your boat has been moved up here you need to go to the office as a matter of urgency. If you are worried that your boat might have been put up here but can’t get to the club to check, please call the office.
By popular demand, I’ll be organising another grounds working party again soon – watch this space! Thanks again, Natalie