We have made some changes to the flag system, to reflect our experience since the new system was introduced in 2019. The yellow/red flag now signifies that the water is closed for sailing but with one or more exceptions. The exceptions will be displayed in the Cafe on the monitor or on a map.
Flying this flag will be rare but a recent day when it was nearly flown was the Saturday of the Flying Fifteen Open: we had limited safety cover and the wind was quite high for other boats so the water could have been restricted to FF15s (who had three RIBs attending) and windsurfers. With the wind forecast to drop, the flag was left at red/white.
The second change is that there is now no upper windspeed to restrict windsurfing (blue/white flag). As before, the decision to close the water is made by the Coxswain and would include factors such as the safe launch, handling, and recovery of a RIB.
All the latest information is available via this link and you can find details of the criteria used to determine which safety flags are used here.