Wednesday 3rd June competition – if you accept the challenge.
Use the round the Tower Dash rules for 2020 published today, the starting gate will be open all day but will close at 18h00. Please note the water closes at 18h30 and the Club site will shut at 19h00.
You should apply social distancing rules both on the water and when launching and recovering your boat. The lake is full so more care is required than usually necessary. Sadly we ask that you do not help your friends with their trolley to avoid common touching points.
Please recognise that the casual observer has to perceive that the social distancing rules are being applied.
It would be worthwhile arriving on the site dressed to sail as the Club house is closed and there are no changing or shower facilities. The toilets are open and subject to a one way system.
Please record your results and deliver via email to the office by Friday 5th June.
Stay healthy. Enjoy your sail
Ian Rawet