More Information

Grafham Water Sailing Club has been running for more than fifty years and has more than 1,000 members with over 600 boats. The club employs professional safety and office staff but, essentially, we are run by members and becoming a member means that you are willing to become involved in club activities and to contribute your time and expertise in helping your club to function.
Your contribution can be as varied as helping to run races, assisting with the training school, helping on a safety boat, greeting open meeting visitors or helping to improve club facilities by participating in working parties. We use an on-line system called ‘DutyMan‘ to manage the resourcing of on-water activities.
The governance of the club is through a Council and its various sub-Committees, as laid down in our Rules of Establishment. Council is elected annually from the membership and anyone interested in becoming involved in planning and delivering the club’s future is encouraged to seek election. Existing Council members will be delighted to provide more information on how it all works.
You can find out more details at the following links:
- Volunteering at GWSC
- Club Opening Hours
- Bar, Lounge & Catering
- Club Regalia
- Chandlery
- Club Governance
- Safeguarding
- Biosecurity & Non-Native Species
- News Archive