Photo: Sara Collard.
On Saturday 11th July we restarted Saturday coaching. In the morning was the adult session, attended by 10 of the Saturday stalwarts. Here is Wendy’s report:
Wow, it was fabulous to be out with our lovely coaches, Matt and Mandy
again. We split into 2 groups of 5 to be socially distant.
In our group were Lucy and Craig managing their RS200 rather well and also practising a bit of swimming..well, I understand Craig was whilst Lucy hung onto the boat! I think she was looking for a secret stash of cake! Elinor was also flying around in her Topper and Bob had rather a harsh start in the D-Zero as the wind was a bit lively. However, he and I both stayed upright. We both had a couple of dodgy moments and independently thought we must stay up as we didn’t want to embarrass our daughter!
In Matt’s group were Jane, Steve, Neal, Gary and Chris. They did the same exercises but a little further over from us. I think they also did some start practice.
The younger members were absolutely thrilled to be back together with their friends and out on the water again. They also loved their Team Grafham hoodies – many thanks to Angus Jackson for organising them.
After being briefed in two groups about what they were to do by the coaches, the young sailors went out on the water to do some confidence building exercises and practice exercises.
We were also thrilled to be able to announce that GWSC is now an RYA British Youth Sailing Recognised Club. Many thanks to Mandy and Matt for this great achievement.
As the day was a success we are planning to continue with this format every Saturday. Please book on via WebCollect if you would like to join in.