News: Homepage Items

Join us in 2025!

We are now welcoming new members for the 2025 season. Any class of windsurfer, wingfoiler, dinghy, catamaran or day-sailer is welcome at the club. For beginners, we have an RYA training centre available to everyone from the age of 8 years old to adult. For experienced sailors we have racing on Sundays and Wednesday evenings […]

Coming Up at GWSC

Social Events: We have three social events coming up in April including a prizegiving, rules seminar and our Wednesday night quiz. Racing Rules Seminar The Rules of Racing are changing for 2025 so we have arranged a seminar to keep us all updated, legal and on the ball. The speaker will be Graham Louth who […]

Graham Wadeley RIP

We are very saddened to announce that Graham passed away peacefully at home on Sunday night, 16th February. Our thoughts are with his wife, Celia, his family and friends. Graham was a long-standing member of the Flying Fifteen fleet.

Latest News

BUSA Success: We recently hosted, alongside the Cambridge Sailing team, the British Universities Sailing Association (BUSA) qualifiers. Well done to our home team Cambridge Sailing for their excellent results: Cambridge Blues 1st place, Greens 7th and Orange 11th. A fantastic event and effort by all… well done for qualifying! It’s Christmas! Lovely conditions greeted the […]

Working Party News

The club has large grounds to support the range of activities we offer and these require continuous improvement and maintenance for the benefit of members and visitors. We are very fortunate to have a group of 10 regular volunteers who turn up every Tuesday to help with these activities and allow us to undertake some bigger […]

Andrew Lawman 1987 – 2023

Andrew Lawman, aged 35, died in a tragic farming accident on Wednesday 3rd May 2023. He had been associated with Grafham Water Sailing Club since he was a pupil at Kimbolton School. His contribution to the club was huge and centred around the Safety Fleet. He worked as a part-time Coxswain for a number of […]

Peter Waghorn Regatta

Good Turnout for the Peter Waghorn Regatta Report by John Aston On Coronation Bank Holiday Monday, Grafham Water SC ran a special regatta to commemorate Peter Waghorn and his huge contribution to the Club. Peter Waghorn passed away on Sunday 15th January 2023 after a brief illness, just short of his 90th birthday. He retired in his […]

Bar/Office Staff Vacancy

We are looking for a person to run the club bar on Wednesday evenings and some Saturday afternoon/evenings – timings as follows: 6:30/7pm to 9:30/10pm every Wednesday from 10th April until 4th September. Some Saturdays from 4pm until close. We are also looking for someone to work in the office on Saturdays and/or Sundays as […]

Peter Waghorn MBE 1933 – 2023

To commemorate Peter and his huge contribution to the Club, we will be running a one day regatta on Monday 8 May (the Coronation bank holiday).  Please put the date in your diaries: more details, including how to enter, can be found here. Peter sadly passed away on Sunday 15th January 2023 after a brief […]

Gill Wednesday Evening Series

The Wednesday Evening Series, sponsored by Gill Marine, finished on 31st August and was rounded off by a Pursuit Race followed by the Prizegiving dinner on 7th September. The prizes for the series, generously donated by club sponsors Gill Marine, were presented by Rear Commodore Mark Rushton. The pursuit race was won by David and […]