Much loved Winner Optimist 5701. Build date 2007 Sail no. 5701 ISAF plaque no. 129733 Light, fast and easy to manoeuvre. Perfect for racing. Complete, All paperwork, certificates included. Reason for sale: kids have grown and are now racing ILCAs. Can be viewed in Cambridge. Happy to deliver to Grafham Water Sailing Club. Some minor bumps and scratches as to be expected of a boat of this age. (see photos) Comes with Blackgold spars (mast, sprit and booms). 1 J-sails black in great condition – used at a two events only 1 J-sails blue in condition for club racing 2 J-sails for training rudder and two daggerboards (one for racing, one for training) collapsible trolley, Magic Marine top cover (needs some TLC or replacement). Neil Pryde bottom cover in good condition. Balers. Painter and main sheets. New harken main block. Foil bag. New spare buoyancy bag. A selection of Optiparts spares (including boom clip, gudgeons, sail batten tabs, … see photos ).